For setup, you have two options:
INDEPENDENT: You can set up the software on your own, using our easy-to-follow instructions. There is NO fee for this.
FULL-SERVICE: A designated support agent will customize your software to your exact requirements. (This provides you with complete access to a sandbox environment.) There is a one-time fee of $7500 for this service.
We take your data security extremely seriously. That’s why we’ve created a mulit-layered security fence to protect your data. If you’re really interested in the details, here are a few:
We’re happy to work with you to find a plan that’s suited to your needs. Contact us for a custom quote.
Sure! Our goal is to make sure that your sales management runs in the smoothest way it can. If integration is what will make it happen, we find a way to do just that.
Nope. Nada. Zilch. What you see is exactly what you get!
Don't delay - give your salesforce access to the best sales compensation software tool on the market. Contact our
team to learn more or schedule a trial of incentX today. You'll never look back at manual processes again!