
2FA Pass Phrase - this is a pass phrase which the ERP Utility will use to connect to incentX. You can enter any pass phrase you like, but we highly recommend you click "Generate Password" and use the secure pass phrase which is generated. Do not use the same pass phrase you use for your incentX account or any other account.

SAP Business One DI-API

Choose this option if you are running SAP B1 on an on-premises server and want to use the incentX ERP Utility to connect to incentX; click "Download incentX Utility for SAP B1 DI API" to download and install.

SAP Business One HANA Service Layer

incentX can connect directly to your SAP B1 HANA server using Service Layer. incentX will sync all data automatically with minimal load on your server, and no other configuration or maintenance required on your part.

QuickBooks Online

incentX can connects directly to your QuickBooks Online. incentX will sync all data automatically with no other configuration or maintenance required on your part.
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team to learn more or schedule a trial of incentX today. You'll never look back at manual processes again!